Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eat Pray Love...and eat some more

I can’t even remember how we started to get crazy over the movie Eat Pray Love. My best friend Mia and I have waited at least 2 months before the film hit the Philippines.

It was well worth the wait. The movie ended with us envying Julia Roberts, or more appropriately mentioned, Liz Gilbert. The aftermath of that movie date had us eating ice cream at DQ. As if getting the idea out of nowhere, I blurted out that if ever we reach our 40’s still single, we will pull a “Liz Gilbert”. Meaning, we will visit three countries just to eat, pray and love…to eat some more.  Well, if one of us gets lucky to find a man in our forties, then that’s great!

But if ever we get luckier, whoever gets married last between us will receive a trip to Bali honeymoon gift from the other. Insane deals make a great friendship, believe me. Haha!


  1. hahahahahahaha this made me laugh out loud! will stick to that deal, alright?

  2. of course!
    let's wait and see..
