Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where are you Christmas?

Among Mama's collection of Christmas albums, there's this particular collection that includes one of the most heartbreaking Christmas songs I've ever heard. Where are you Christmas?

Just when you thought that the Supreme Court could not be more unjust, HUBERT WEBB JUST GOT ACQUITTED this morning (of the VIZCONDE MASSACRE).

This is a heartbreaker.
I know I am not in any position to judge Webb of what transpired in that incident, but this is just heartbreaking for Lauro Vizconde. The Webb family may consider this the best Christmas gift ever, but this just makes it more of a lonelier Christmas for Vizconde.

My sympathies go to him as we collectively pray for the truth and may justice be served to the deaths of his family.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I hate the King

Ok, hate is a strong word but really, there is something wrong with this man. Yes, he is a great basketball player, but he’s also one hell of a diva.

Yep, diva.

As I type down these words right now, Miami Heat (LBJ’s new found home) is battling the Cleveland Cavaliers (LBJ’s former home). The boos, teases and taunting are there, but LeBron is dominating the game. He did the chalk toss and got a collective uproar from the audience (mostly boos). I would have been booing him too if I can help it. I don’t know, there’s really something about LeBron that I hate.

Maybe it’s because he’s too “mayabang”. But most players in the NBA are one too, even Kobe. Some of the local players in the PBA also have a long list of bragging rights, but his is different.

“No Ring-King”. Yes he is. So, what’s up with him being so “mayabang”?  Because of his skills? Fine. But you know what, until you put that ring on it and until you learn how to respect your team, we’re not good. And I still hate you.